22/05 Eruption ended (by now)

Our old friend Boris says in comment to our recent new: “It seems that the eruption initiated on 13 May on the upper eastern flank of Etna has ended after little more than a week during the night of 20-21 May 2008.”. I report his comment here and add nothing else than ‘by now’. I bet Etna has not yet finished, this year. Thanks Boris! I wait you in hotel for a beer 🙂


  • admin says:

    Era precoce la notizia della fine dell’eruzione: in serata del 21 Maggio si vedeva di nuovo un po’ d’incandescenza alla frattura apertasi il 13 maggio. Quindi, non è ancora del tutto finita…
    Well, maybe it was too early to declare the latest eruption over: on the evening of 21 May 2008, some glow was still visible at the eruptive fissure of 13 May, and so it seems it is not yet fully over…