27/04 Sometimes they come back

Mt. Etna sonsI can’t believe.

Do you remember our old post about Etna sons coming back home? Here it is: http://www.hotelcorsaro.it/1811-etnas-sons/2012/11/18/

Well, it happaned again this morning.

Few words this time: “Dear Hotel Corsaro, please return these stones to mt. Etna. Thank you“.

Once more we wish to remember Matt and Niki Adlam-Stiles words: “In Hawai it’s a superstition/tradition about the volcano Kilauea that you should not take the stones because it brings bad luck…. they say that Pele (the volcano goddess) likes to keep all her children (i.e. the stones) close to her heart…..“.

More, mr. and mrs. Henning words (who are healty, happy and nice despite all rocks colected): “Thanks M. Etna we have got some best friends […] Through Etna stones M. Etna gets part of our life