08/02 Terrorism on Etna?

Looking at this morning “La Sicilia” newspaper people could read in first page, without commas or full stops


on Etna


three tourists


six died

Six persons died in north Italy (Piemonte and Veneto), yes it’s true and we are sorry but surely this didn’t happen on subject of title, Etna.

This morning people called us alarmed by these avalanches.

If there is something doesn’t happen on Etna those are avalanches for many reasons.

If there is something doesn’t need to Etna are “titles of effect” which create misunderstanding and fear.


  • Giuseppe Sapia says:

    Condivido in pieno!! Come sempre la stragrande maggioranza dei giornalisti, pur di fare notizia, “giocano” con le parole creando spesso falsi allarmismi!!